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PTA Conferences

Teachers often struggle to understand the true purpose and benefits of these meetings.

In this video, we will explore the tremendous impact that can be gained from this often-misunderstood evening. We will also discuss how to handle situations when a meeting takes a negative turn and what steps to take to navigate it effectively.

A Chinuch Thought

This section will cover a wide range of Chinuch thoughts. Some will be focused on parenting, some on education and others may be on davening. 
The goal of this page is to help us look at the world through the lens of Chinuch.

Here are some of our past Chinuch Thoughts...

Hearing Someone Else’s Perspective

Have you ever struggled to understand what someone is trying to tell you? Do you find it challenging to see things from their perspective?
In this video, we’ll explore a powerful approach revealed in Parshas Shmos when Moshe Rabbeinu encounters the burning bush.

Two central expressions in Chassidic life are song and dance.

But what is the deeper meaning behind these manifestations of joy? How do they go beyond mere celebration and become something more profound?

How Do We Accept When Bad Things Happen?

In this video we explore why it appears that Moshe Rabbeinu blames Klal Yisroel why he is not allowed to enter Eretz Yisroel. In the end we understand that Moshe wasn’t blaming, rather consoling the nation and giving us an insight into the famous question of – “Why do bad things happen to good people?”

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